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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Membuka regedit yang terkunci

Membuka REgedit yang Terkunci

Mungkin rekan semua pernah ngerasain jengkel ketika maen ke sebuah warnet,terus komputernya terproteksi banget…
sampe2 klik kanannya juga di disable’in,,bosan banget khan..
Oke…kali ini saya bakal coba berbagi dikit,,
Sebenarnya sumber dari proteksi yang berada pada sebuah komputer kunci nya berasal dari Regedit(Registry Editor)
kalo kita semua paham dengan Regedit otomatis Windows bisa kita modifikasi sesuka hati..
bahkan virus sekalipun bisa di hapus lewat sini(kalo tau caranya…)
oke…Langsung saja nih saya kasih tau caranya,

pertama cek dulu apa benar regeditnya di kunci dengan cara klik start > run > regedit

jika keluar tulisan “Registry editing has been disable by your administrator” berarti regedit nya emang dikunci
maka ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

1. buka aplikasi notepad .start > all programs > accsessories > notepad

2.lalu ketikan mantra ajaib ini di situ,

caranya yaitu :

‘Enable Registery Editing’
‘A? Veegertx - 26/12/2007
‘This code may be freely distributed/modified
On Error Resume Next
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(””)

wshShell.RegDelete “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableRegistryTools”
wshShell.RegDelete “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system\DisableRegistryTools”

Message = “Regeditnya sekarang udah bisa dibuka,Persembahan terindah DariQta”

x = MsgBox(message,vbokOnly, “”)
Set wshShell = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

3.Lalu SaveAs
file name :terserahAnda.vbs
save as type:All files
lalu klik save

4.Untuk menjalankan program ini tinggal klik dua kali pada file .vbs yang tersimpan tadi

Oke….sekarang registry editor sudah dapat terbuka,selamat memodifikasi

Monday, January 26, 2009

Multiple YM

Untuk Rekan yang Hobby chat dan pingin dalam satu PC bisa multiple login ? [s/d 10 ID YM]
biasanya hal ini muncul dalam satu komputer share pingin ada user lain yang mau make PC untuk chat juga tapi user lain yang sedang chat tidak mau sign out...

Nah,yang anda perlu kerjakan dan dapat,merubah program anda supaya anda dan pren anda dapat online ( Y!M ) sekaligus dalam satu komputer pada waktu yang sama dengan menggunakan id yang beda.

Bisa diakalin dari regisitry kok..
yuk kita mulai... Oya sebisa mungkin YM nya minimal versi 8 sebab dibawah itu kadang2 kalo terlalu banyak yang login malah error...

1. Pastikan sudah terinstall Ym versi 8 ya... kalo belum ada bisa donlot...
2. Tekan tombol "Start" terus pilih Run dan ketik REGEDIT dan press OK atau enter
3. Buka HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Software --> yahoo --> pager --> test
4. Klik kanan pada folder test --> New --> DWORD value --> ketik "Plural" [tanpa tanda petik] sebagai nama file.
5 Edit file Plural degnan tekan enter 2 kali pada file tersebut, pada "Value data" isikan angka 1 ( untuk 2 id ) , 2 ( untuk 3 id ) dan seterusnya.
Pastikan bagian "Base" berada pada pilihan Hexadecimal (16).
Lalu klik OK
6. Tutup registry editor anda.. dan silahkan dicoba.. sekarang YM anda bisa untuk multiple login

selamat bekerja semoga dgn isi ini bermanfaat..bagi kita semua

Tuesday, January 13, 2009



We would like to thank you for being part of A.W.Surveys. With your help we are one of the fastest growing survey companies in the world. We are proud that our Web Site Evaluations are helping change how the web looks. We believe we have the best survey takers in the world, which is why we value and pay so much for your evaluations.

1. Is there any cost or membership fee to join?

No, Membership at A.W.Surveys is Free and you will not be required to pay any membership fees or any other expenses out of pocket.

Referring Link:

2. How do I get Paid or How do you pay me?

We currently have Three Payment methods.

Option (1) includes United States Postal Service (USPS) and is Free, this option generally takes 4-6 weeks for delivery. Option (1) is available to anybody in the U.S.

Options (2 and 3) include the use of Paypal ( or ( and is an electronic payment, this option generally takes 3-5 business days for delivery. Option (2 and 3) have a ($25) Expedited Service Charge and is taken directly from your A.W.Surveys account with us. The Expedited Service Charge is for the faster delivery time (3-5 days compared to 4-6 weeks).

If you are ready for a payment, click the Redeem Money button and you will be presented with the above options.

These are currently three payment options that A.W.Surveys supports. We are however exploring other payment options.

3. Do you allow members outside the U.S. to join?

Yes, we accept members from around the world. We accept in any area that allows the use of Paypal.

4. When are new surveys posted?

We periodically post new surveys. They are based on age, gender, etc. We normally E-mail when new surveys are available, but please check back regularly for new survey opportunities for some might not be E-mailed. Please do not E-mail asking for more surveys for this will not increase your survey amount.

5. Is there a minimum payout requirement?

Yes, currently the the cash out amount is set to $75. You will not be able to redeem until you have met this minimum amount. We offer some of the highest paying surveys, and offer a great referral system, so this amount should not be hard to reach.

6. How do I refer a Friend?

Please go to the Refer Friends tab and you will be provided with a link to give to your friends. Once they visit this link and sign up for a Free account you will be credited for the referral. You may also use our Banner images with link code to post on a website.

7. Why has my Referral Count decreased?

When we periodically delete Fraudulent accounts and they have your Referral tag on them, you will lose them as your referral. We know that you can not control what your referrals do, but this is why we recommend only referring your friends that you know will not commit fraudulent activities.

8. Why do I get paid for sharing my opinion and filling out surveys?

Companies spend Billions of dollars a year trying to convince consumers that their products are the best and to buy their products and services. They achieve this by getting an understanding how people think and shop. Knowing this, companies are willing to pay you for your opinions. Overall your opinion could help the companies to upgrade their products and services.

9. If I have a busy schedule, will I have enough time to do this?

One of the advantages of taking surveys online is that you can do them at your convenience. That is one of the best parts about surveys and why it's the easiest way for the average person to make some extra cash. You can do it at your own pace. If you have an extra 30 minutes in the morning before you go off to work, you can do a few surveys then. If you have any other spare time throughout the day you can do them and earn money. The great thing about this is that if you get busy with other things and don't have any time to do surveys for awhile, that is okay. You can decide when you want to do them. You can do surveys when it's convenient for you.

10. Is my personal information secure?

All personal information given to A.W.Surveys is strictly confidential and will not be shared with 3rd parties. We provide links to other websites within our website and your information will only be given to them if you yourself give them that information.

11. What are online surveys?

Online surveys are used as a technique for gathering information for companies. They generally are a set of questions which require a participant to answer and then the information is eventually given back to company for reporting purposes. The companies are willing to pay a fee to the participant for their opinions and time.

12. How many surveys can I do in one day?

Survey participation revolves around a couple of factors. We have no set limit on the number you can do a day, but there are only so many that are available on A.W.Surveys. If you qualify for the survey on our website you will be given a link to it, otherwise if no surveys available it will also notify you of that. We also show other survey sites so you can use other companies to amplify the number of survey offers you get.

13. Why was my payment denied or Why was my account deleted?

If you have created fraudulent accounts, do not expect to be paid for them. We will deny your payment if you have created fake accounts to raise your referral count. Please do not waste your time creating fake accounts, our system will catch them, delete them, and deny your payment automatically. Your account may be deleted or flagged for fraudulent activities in the process.

Please follow our T.O.S. when referring friends because we do not allow some forms of referring. The two most popular sites we do not allow you to post referral links on are and, please review our T.O.S. for a complete list of rules.

If your account has been inactive for more then 45 days it is removed from our system.

If you have not violated the above rules, please feel free to submit a ticket so we can research your account.

14. How long does it take to complete a survey?

The length of time varies for each project, but we try to keep all of our projects as brief as possible. Most of our surveys range 5-10 minutes. Of course some will be marked longer and some shorter.

15. How can I delete my account if I no longer want to receive your surveys?

Once logged in, please click on Account Settings then click on the option to delete your account.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Dapatkan penghasilan tambahan

CARA-CARA NAK DAFTAR?. Caranya mudah saja.

1. Anda klik pada link ni atau copy link di bawah pada browser:-

2. Klik pada 'Join.' (Sebelah kanan website ).
3. Taip alamat email anda. Nanti mereka akan hantar pada email anda
untuk pengesahan.
4. Tutup (Close) laman.
5. Selepas itu ..Lihat pada email anda. Akan terdapat perkataan ni
" " . sign up 'URL' dan 'Click'.
6. Lepas tu, akan keluar laman yang mula2 anda taip alamat
email anda tu.
7. Klik pada 'Sign Up'.
8. Isi borang yang disediakan.
9. Sampai pada cara nak bayar, anda pilih bank mana yang anda mahu duit
anda dimasukkan, samada BCB (CIMB) ke,Maybank ke..pilih mengikut
kehendak anda.
10. Lepas isi borang, klik pada 'Sign Up'.

11. Lepas itu 'login' pada web , Masukkan Username dengan
Password yang anda tulis dalam borang tadi.
12. Seterusnya, klik pada 'paid2click ads' .
13. Di situ terdapat 'categories'. Klik pada 'categories' tersebut.
Setiap 1 link anda klik, account korang akan bertambah 20 point. Untuk klik
banner, tunggu sampai habis surf (lebih kurang dlm 20 saat saja).
14. Klik sampai habis. Klik balik pada 'paid2click ads'untuk ke
'categories' yang lain pulak.
15. Klik kat 'My Earnings'?
16. Tengoklah berapa yang anda dapat dengan hanya klik pada banner. SENANG KAN !
17. Untuk tambah duit anda dalam 'account' tu, anda hanya jemput rakan-
rakan anda dengan langkah pertama anda masuk tadi? Hanya taipmereka
punya email. ataupun anda copy / paste saja email ni.
18. Setiap hari pastikan anda klik dan baca iklan yang mereka hantar ke email
anda atau pun buka terus akaun anda yang dah berdaftar dengan dan untuk buka akaun, klik pada 'login' dan masukkan
username dan password anda sebelum ni. Kemudian klik kat "Your
Inbox" dan klik setiap iklan yang tersenarai di situ. Setiap satu
iklan/email tu mengambil masa kira-kira 20 saat. Lepas tu baru tutup dan
buka iklan lain. Setiap iklan/email tu bernilai 20 point yang
boleh ditukar nanti.
19. Untuk tahu jumlah duit anda yang terkumpul, klik kat "My Earning"
20. Untuk tambah duit anda dalam akaun anda.. anda juga boleh menjemput kawan-kawan anda untuk menjadi ahli. Cara masuk sama dengan cara anda masuk tadi tetapi kena gunakan id anda sebagai penaja. Anda akan mendapat pendapatan seperti berikut. Anda boleh taja sesiapa sahaja asalkan ada akaun email dan apa sahaja akaun bank.


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